Welding Sacrificial Anodes to Sheet Piling, Poole Quay

This month, Commercial and Specialised Diving Ltd have been replacing sacrificial (or galvanic) anodes to a sheet pile wall in Poole Quay.

At Ferry Road, on the Hamworthy side of Poole quay we were requested to remove and replace 19 sacrificial anodes fitted to the retaining wall.  We have mentioned in a previous newsletter article that these retaining walls (usually constructed by driving steel sheet piles into the seabed) require protection from corrosion through the use of sacrificial zinc blocks called anodes.

Diver ascends Ferry Road Steps having prepared the sheet piling ready for the welding to begin
Diver ascends Ferry Road Steps having prepared the sheet piling, ready for the welding to begin

The existing anodes were removed using specialist equipment and the in-pan surfaces were then prepared ready for welding. The replacement back plates were installed using underwater welding equipment just below the point of Lowest Astronomical Tide and the replacement anodes were then secured, all to the clients satisfaction. These works form part of a series of anode installations Commercial and Specialised Diving have been carrying out nationwide recently.

Lee, one of our full time divers, tending the diver's umbilical
Lee, one of our full time divers, tending the diver’s umbilical