HSE Guidance – Ladders

Steps and ladders are a common cause of accidents and injuries in swimming pools, however they do not need to be – Commercial & Specialised Diving offer a range of cost-effective H&S approved solutions to make your swimming environment a safer place for your swimmers.

The following guidance is taken from the HSE publication ‘Managing Health & Safety in Swimming Pools’.

‘Steps and ladders providing access to the pool:

  • Must be of sufficient strength and firmly fixed to the surround and tank walls;
  • Should be designed to ensure that finger, limb and head traps are not created, either between the treads or the tank walls, or between the grab-rails and the tank walls;
  • Should have treads which are slip-resistant and have no sharp edges;
  • Should be designed giving consideration to the ease of access to and exit from the pool by users with restricted mobility or those with disabilities.

Solutions provided and fitted by Commercial and Specialised Diving include non-slip HDPE safety treads to in-fill hazardous gaps on free-standing ladders, and infill blocks to make gaps safe on recessed ones. We can repair loose ladders and fixings or provide replacements. We can also supply and fit ‘limited mobility’ and ‘safety’ steps.


Ladder in need of top safety tread
Ladder in need of top safety tread
Ladder with steel top safety tread fitted by CSD
Ladder with steel top safety tread fitted by CSD











Ladder with HDPE safety treads fitted
Ladder with HDPE safety treads fitted


Recessed steps in need of in-fill blocks
Recessed steps in need of in-fill blocks


In-fill blocks fitted by CSD
In-fill blocks fitted by CSD


HDPE limited mobility acess steps
HDPE limited mobility access steps
Steel limited access mobility steps
Steel limited access mobility steps


HDPE safety steps
                                    HDPE safety steps

For further advice or to book a Health and Safety Survey call us on 01202 580007