
Removed Tiling Area

Emergency Remedials for Tiling Failure

Major problems at swimming pools that may lead to them being shut for safety reasons can happen at any time and with no warning, this is particularly true for tiling issues. For this reason a large part of the work conducted by CSD involves a fast turnaround and requires a rapid response from us to allow pools to continue to stay open.

Removed Tiling Area
Removed area of tiling across the shallow end of the pool

This was demonstrated at the beginning of the month when a centre in Gloucestershire had a number of tiles become debonded on a Sunday afternoon and upon which they contacted us immediately. After completing all the relevant preparation and mobilisation of the equipment needed, CSD were onsite the following day.

Sealed Tiling Edge
Sealed edge of the defective tiling area to prevent spreading and risk of cutting

Upon arriving to the site and testing the area of tiles over 400 were identified as being loose and were removed using an underwater pneumatic disk cutter. Once removed all of the edges were sealed to prevent the area of tiling defect from spreading and to cover up the sharp edges of the tiles to remove the risk of cutting. Once made safe the pool was able to be reopened for normal use and CSD have since returned to re-tile the area overnight.