Commercial and Specialised Diving regularly carry out canal wall surveys for a range of clients and are approved contractors to the Canal and River Trust.
Surveys are often requested when building development on land adjacent to a canal is planned so that any necessary remedial work can be taken into budget considerations. Surveys typically include a condition assessment above and below the waterline, from the canal bed to the top of the coping. Details reported on include type of construction, location of any features, bed profile adjacent to the wall, UT Readings and the location and nature of any defects.

First steps taken by our divers are to make the survey area safe – this is of particular importance if the survey is being carried out on an operational site, if there are adjoining locks and sluices, and if there is regular or heavy boat traffic. We also have to ascertain water flow rate, visibility and whether there are any underwater hazards or obstructions.

Surveys may be photographic and/or video, and many of our clients request the the data found to be in CAD format.
As approved contractors to the Canal & River Trust working for clients such as CAPITA, Commercial and specialised diving have the knowledge and experience to carry out comprehensive and thorough surveys – so if you would like to find out more about our canal wall survey services, please do not hesitate to give us a call on 01202 580007.