Diving – a Bespoke Service

This month, Commercial and specialised diving were called out to Reading where they were able to offer a fantastic bespoke service whilst adhering to tight time constraints.

The dedicated diving team had the task of replacing various grilles and panels on a degrading boom. This was due to the current boom being a health & safety issue with the potential to cause harm in the future.

Grilles before repair work
Grilles before repair work
Grilles after repair work
Grilles after repair work

We fabricated the panels on-site to tailor fit the boom, which was no easy feat.  The divers installed the grilles & panels at night to avoid any pool closures and loss of revenue, as per their clients needs.

Amazingly the work only took the team 4 hours to complete and the pool was back in full use, as per the brief.

Fixed Boom
Fixed Boom

Mr Richards from Commercial and Specialised diving said “It just goes to show that we are always committed to achieving good quality work. We are conscience of time restrictions and able to use our strong engineering and diving expertise to adapt to any situation”