Swimming pools are often constructed using tiles and grout. Over time the grout will become eroded, exposing the edges of the tiles. Tile edges are sharp, particularly where they have been cut.
These sharp edges present a cutting hazard and you are liable if somebody cuts their foot in your pool.
If the grout becomes eroded to expose the underside of the tile, water can ingress beneath the tiles and make the tile adhesive fail from underneath. This can lead to large areas of tiles failing.
However, this doesn’t mean you have to shut the pool in order for it to be drained to conduct repairs. Commercial and Specialised Diving can repair large areas of tiles without draining the pool and make safe any cutting hazards.
Commercial and Specialised Diving are swimming pool experts. Our divers can re-grout and replace cracked or broken tiles underwater without the need for you to close your pool.
If you have a project that requires our help, please do not hesitate to give us a call on 01202 580007.