Did you know divers require a medical to work?

Did you know that divers require a certificate of fitness in order to work underwater?

The Health and Safety Executive stipulate diver training and health requirements in order for a person to be classed as fit to work underwater.

The specialist medical testing consists of many elements including sight, hearing, reflexes and vital body functions such as the diver’s lungs and cardiovascular ability. Exercise is used to put the lungs and heart under load and checked for the rate of recovery.

If a diver fails to pass the diving medical they will not be allowed to work, so it is important that all commercial divers maintain a reasonable level of fitness.

Heartbeat LORES

A diver must undergo the diving physical examination on an annual basis, or more regularly if there are any health issues.

Commercial and Specialised Diving ensure that all of their divers are suitably qualified and medically fit.

Commercial and Specialised Diving are commercial diving experts. Contact us on 01202 580007 or info@specialised-diving.co.uk to discuss your requirements.